Tuesday, July 28, 2009

iron and wine - boy with a coin

he played the paramount yesterday. the early reviews say he killed it. no surprise. always so pretty.

i like his comfortable stoicism here.

Monday, March 2, 2009

What Muscle Memory will NOT be: pumplecore

hey momma, mumblecore meets puppets. has it's place, fo' sure, but not the road we're going to take.

speaking of puppets ... check out feist on sesame street. a-dor-a-ble.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

bits of influence (pre-prod cont)

i love stuart doing his dance moves (he does his moves/ he does his dance moves) in the background, with stevie doing his thing in the spotlight jamming on the underused, electric kazoo.

at the 1:34 mark, the drums kick in. and it is nice. yes. i think it's the thought of dancing to this or some band like animal collective, whom i'm currently giving another chance, with a straight face, that can be engaging.

writing of dance, i was just watching an American Maters piece on PBS. holy science! what a life that man lead. he seemed utterly relentless in his professional life and laid down works of beauty in his wake. in the googles while watching it, i found this piece of brill-yance, in and of itself.

and of course, delicatessen ... for the sound design. for the color. for the ability to move story minus words. for the general perfection.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

da basics

hey momma, there is an unsurprisingly large number of high school english projects giving their love and skillz setz to recreating "the chocolate wars" on the interwebs. here is one such random example.

just looking through class notes before work and remembered the more high profile adapt back in the day breaking the below rule quite a bit. i can't really remember if the movie itself is any good, though. hmm.

off to serve the teeming masses.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

our DJ slinging beats - Jackie Todd (casting cont)

hey momma, meet our DJ and a fellow ms stein's 2nd grade alumnus, the seminal, jackie todd. her stature cannot be understated as a, no, the voracious force down south way in the lane - late night. always late night. she brings a confidence and swagger to the part that is unmatched. love it. the perfect DJ.

MJ and Alan - casting (Cont)

hey momma, this 2 shot is of our lead, of course, and possible dancer guy #1/ former co-host/ co-k'oke partner in tomfoolery, alan. this man has presence. it can't be taught. it can't be work-shopped. he just owns it. hopefully he'll be attatched and locked in by friday.